Monday, December 15, 2008

Towards Gravity – The Roller Coaster Ride

Probably the only time I have hated gravity is in a roller coaster. I love the feeling of being grounded; the feeling of having something hard below my feet or my bum. My other loves include aqua and aero. Water makes me feel so light. Just makes me float and bloat with happiness. I also love to fly… feel the air run through my hair, my hands stretched out like wings and air slipping through my toes. Floating in water and air would be wonderful. But a roller coaster, uuhh, its so sickening. You are neither floating nor flying and above all you can feel how gravity can play Devil.

Here’s my first experience with the roller coaster.

I had been to an amusement park. Wow, what excitement! Friends, tickets, popcorns, what else do you need? After an initial search for the most exciting games, we chose the roller coaster. Others looked small in height or too simple to ride on. Hmm, not that exciting, is it? So now we came to the roller coaster. The long queue for the same only made our excitement double.

The roller coaster was already rolling. We could hear shouts and hoots. What was that for, I wondered. Is it scary? But I could also see some laughing faces and waving handkerchiefs from the “tubs”. So I assume they are shouts of excitements. Finally the coaster came to a halt. Masses got out clapping hands and waving; some even wet with seat. Wow, is it so exiting, I murmured wondering.

Came my chance on the BIG wheel. I sat in my tub facing my friends. Slowly the wheel rolled to accommodate the others. My tub was tossing in the air now. I could feel the air brushing my ears. Oh what a feeling to be in air! Slowly I came to the top of the wheel. My tub was still tossing mildly in the air. I could see the whole world from there. Goodness, what a bird’s eye view of the city. It looked so small yet so expansive. The landscape was astounding. Tall concrete jungles with patches of green here and there, and the vast ocean beyond towards the horizon.

Ah! Now started my fateful journey downwards – towards gravity. I felt myself already half in the air. I tried hard to hold on to the handle in the front of me but felt my seat below slipping away. My palms had a tangling feeling. Oh God! Am I going to get stuck in the air? What if I fall, what will happen to me? Is my body not fast enough for the coaster? Thoughts were just shooting in my head; but alas with no time to think of answers. I was too concentrated to save myself from falling than think of reasons for the phenomenon.

The coaster started and the rounds were now uninterrupted. It felt so nice going upwards – feeling presses to the seat. The worst part was while coming down. Felt as if I would remain in air. The seat below me seemed far away. My grip on the handlebar seemed to become looser with every second. I was already shouting. Now I comprehended why people were shouting previously. The presence yet the absence of gravity made me panic. I was waiting to go up the coaster – to see the ground; feel the seat underneath; and get a good grip of the handlebar – and never to come down.

Coming down was the worst part. I was now anxious to touch the dear ground. Oh the feel of soil! How many more rounds of agony? I dared not see the city from above now. It felt to dizzy. I dare not see my friends as well; they seemed to be laughing. Those oohhs and aahhs only made it worse.

Finally the coaster slowed down. Our touchdown time came. I wanted to be the first to get down. But alas, I would probably be the last. I got another glance of the city from the top. The city was now dwindling from point to point. Oh sorry, my head was spinning! The tub was still tossing slowly in the mild wind.

At last touch down. I sprang and jumped from the tub to the ground. While my friends still laughed and shouted with excitement, I knelt and kissed he ground, “I’ll never leave you sweety! I love you too much to earn your wrath.”

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