Friday, August 7, 2020

Distance makes the heart grow fonder

 Wonderful were those days when we had a lovely routine… daughter went to school and husband went to office… phew… I would get to see them now only in the evening / night. What a relief!

Once I bid a heartfelt goodbye to the school van, I used to take a 5 mins break to catch up with the world news. And then rush again to send my husband out. And not to forget my maid who is restlessly waiting for me to put all the utensils for her to wash, lest i make her wait for the remaining. 

The real peace is only the time when everyone is out and I am left to myself to do what I want - read without any disturbance, sneak peek into my favourite shows, do yoga peacefully, etc., till i leave for work myself.

In the evening, as I arrive home sweaty, my daughter leaps towards me to give me a huge hug. While I resist and request her to wait till I wash myself, she lets out a big dialogue, “Ma, your sweat is like a diamond for me. I Love you so much! I missed you at school!”

Fast forward now. All of us are at home, so there is no missing. ‘I love you ' still happens, but my sweat is no longer a diamond. A hug after a grueling morning kitchen work leads to, “Ma you smell of sweat!” A rest on the sofa after a backbreaking Yoga routine provokes, “Do you want me to place your towel or switch on the heater in the bathroom for you?”

There was no botheration previously if we used deodorants and perfumes at work, but now at home, they seem to be becoming mandatory just to tolerate each other.

Whatever happened to the diamonds now, I wonder! If only I had saved those sweats, I would have made a diamond set, ready to be gifted at her wedding. But as AR Rahman tweeted to Shekhar Kapoor, “Lost Money comes back, fame comes back, but the wasted prime time of our lives will never come back. Peace! Let's move on. We have greater things to do.”

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